
There are few things in this world that draw closer to me than good music. I am not an expert by any means, but I know how music has affected me and how it can affect others. I enjoy writing songs as a hobby and sometimes as a mission. My hope is that my music will reach someone out there who has been looking for something that I write: music that is enjoyable to listen to, relates to an experience or emotion, but is clean in content.

My style ranges from acoustic rock, to pop, folk, alternative, country, and jazz. I am influenced by several artists from very different genres. I never know exactly how the next song will sound, but there is definitely a "brand" attached to each one I write.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I have added two songs on the right. I will add more to the player as they come. Thanks to inFLuxPC for the player and hosting!


Tasha said...

Hey Mark, I think you forgot to include "Country" as one of your style ranges in your intro. Just thought I'd remind you!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Mark. Looks forward to hearing more stuff coming. Was wondering about how much dust had started to collect on that recording equipment.

mnkmusic said...

Well, I have a lot to cath up on with recording. With this new "avenue" I need to add some more songs. Which means more recording of the dormant songs I have written!

Tasha said...

Wow! The quality on Everytime is excellent! Did you use Mike's stuff for that one? Hey what was that new song you had written when I was in AZ and played it for me during lunch the day I quit UoP? I remember it made me cry!

Payte and Sherie said...

Sounds great Mark! If you guys ever come to Idaho again, you should hook up with Payte in his studio. He's done a lot with it in the last 5 years. You guys could share ideas and stuff. I'm sure you remember the band Fortunate Son. He's been playing with them for the last few years but Spencer and Zach both moved to Texas so they are looking for a new singer/guitar player. The current singer has been showing up drunk. (not good at a single adult LDS dance!) Anyways, great job on the writing!

Tasha said...

Ooh ooh, I'm with her!! =) Come back to Idaho!!! Matthew's growing up, and NOT before my eyes! :(

mnkmusic said...

I am really behind on recording. I have a ton that I need to rerecord and a bunch more that have not been laid down at all. I do plan to use some great equipment my brother Mike is letting me borrow. That was used for the vocals on Evertime and Prodiagal.