
There are few things in this world that draw closer to me than good music. I am not an expert by any means, but I know how music has affected me and how it can affect others. I enjoy writing songs as a hobby and sometimes as a mission. My hope is that my music will reach someone out there who has been looking for something that I write: music that is enjoyable to listen to, relates to an experience or emotion, but is clean in content.

My style ranges from acoustic rock, to pop, folk, alternative, country, and jazz. I am influenced by several artists from very different genres. I never know exactly how the next song will sound, but there is definitely a "brand" attached to each one I write.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Drums and Piano

It has always been my dream to play every instrument I record with. In the next few weeks, I will be getting the Yamaha DD65 compact digital drumset. In the past, I have been able to record basically everything but drums. This will be a new adventure as I have not had a whole lot of experience with them. Also, I am working on a song with a focus on piano. I am taking lessons now, but wrote most of it before then!!

1 comment:

Trista said...

So excited to hear your completed song! You rock! Love you!